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Пресса о Колине #9

Carrie: Предыдущая пресса закончилась здесь Продолжаем...

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Belka: Olja, пасиб, я тоже

гор: olja пишет: мало кто из актеров, будучи на пике, откажутся от хороших предложений. Все так зыбко и скоротечно, годы уходят... Да, конечно. Он же сказал, что Кристофер Уокен ему как-то говорил, что лишь только решишь годик передохнуть, так тут-то роли и пойдут косяком. И потом, деньги тоже, уверена, тот еще пресс при растущей семье. Братцы жены-то, тоже, я смотрю, к нему поближе прижимаются.

гор: На волне потрясающего финансового успеха уже пошли слухи о продолжении Маммымии - click here Пока конечно это фантазии прессы, но вообще-то не исключено. Правда, не думаю, что в том же составе, вернее, думаю что это обречено на провал. Как ДБД-2. Если бы они не склонировали ровно тот же конфликт Рене-Колин-Грант, было бы хоть что-то. И потом, как там верно намекается в статье, пока суд да дело, фильм придется назвать Granmamma Mia! A second helping of red hot Mamma Mia! The name of the game is that the movie Mamma Mia! has taken so much money, money, money (so much, in fact, that you have to say it three times) that a sequel would be like honey, honey. A Hollywood studio chief who has seen the film take more than half a billion dollars worldwide told me 'it makes sense' to explore the possibility of making a follow-up picture, which would have to star Meryl Streep and fellow cast members such as Pierce Brosnan, Julie Walters and Colin Firth. It would take some time to put together, so perhaps the new film project could be called Grandmamma Mia. Top executive David Linde, cochairman of Universal Pictures, the studio behind the movie, told me he would be delighted if Judy Craymer, the force behind the stage show and the film, writer Catherine Johnson and director Phyllida Lloyd could be persuaded to develop a storyline for a sequel. Abba song writers Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus would also have to agree to the project. 'There are plenty of songs left,' Linde said cheerfully. But as Ms Craymer observed when I contacted her: 'It's something that'll take quite a lot of time and thought. 'What's more, we haven't even discussed it among ourselves. It's something exciting to think about - and something that you'd need to be passionate about. You couldn't rush into it.' She's right because here's the thing: Mamma Mia! looks deceptively easy on both stage and screen, but the whole thing has been carefully structured with strong underpinning, and each song carefully chosen. As a thank-you, following the success of the film, Universal have given the three creative women behind Mamma Mia! - Craymer, Johnson and Lloyd - the gift of holidays, anywhere in the world. A perfect set up to consider a sequel? Some critics were very snooty about the movie, missing the point entirely. Colin Firth, who played one of the film's 'dads', put his finger on it when he said that the secret of the film's success was that, with its Greek island setting, it was like a 'virtual holiday' - about the only kind many of us will be able to afford soon. Mamma Mia! has done particularly well in the UK and is within striking distance of supplanting Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone as the second-highest grossing film in the UK. (The DVD will be released on November 24.) Some even think that third-placed Mamma Mia!, which has UK takings of more than £65 million (and that doesn't include soundtrack and T-shirt sales) could eventually displace No 1 Brit film Titanic, which took £69 million in the UK after its release in 1997.

Jane: гор пишет: уже пошли слухи о продолжении Маммымии Ох, хорошо бы они слухами и остались

chandni: уже пошли слухи о продолжении Маммымии на музыку АВВА?

гор: Если и будет, то разве что музыка Абы там и останется. Намекают, что еще немало песен осталось - хватит для мюзикла. Но это все пока чистые слухи. Даже если захотят киношники, все решит наличие-отсутствие согласия Бенни-Бьорна. Если они захотят огрести еще с полмиллиарда, то фильм будет.

гор: 23-го Колин будет на вечере памяти основательницы английской ксметической эко-фирмы, которая не тестирует товары на зверюшках и тп - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anita_Roddick Там упоминаются многие актеры, типа кампании: добавь и свой голос за***, а еще будет показ "В тюрьме всю мою жизнь". Вот - click here - страничка всего этого мероприятия, и ролик фильма, и ролик интервью внизу.........

Romi: Что бы это значило? Перевод не дается... Хочется понять: их опять сталкивают лбами? click here Hugh Grant Bumbles His Way Out of a Movie Role 10/20/08 at 9:00 Grant Gets Lost: Hugh Grant has peaced out from Working Title's Lost for Words because of "creative differences," and, according to a spokesperson, he "wishes them well." Story, by Jamie Curtis and Dan Mazer, follows a British actor caught in a love triangle between his Chinese director (Ziyi Zhang) and their translator. The search is allegedly underway for his replacement, which pretty much means director Susanne Bier just sent Colin Firth a box of kittens (he loves them).

гор: ну, в статье, как это любят журналюги, простые вещи выражены позаковыристее. Здесь - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1105310/news#ni0587284 ИМДБ объясняет ситуацию - боль-моль. Кроме возможного участия в фильме Колина. Грант должен был приступить к съемкам ромкомчика Lost for Words, где должен был играть самого почти себя - любимчика женщин, английского актера, который снимается в фильме китаянки, и сначала приударяет за ее переводчицей, а потом влюбляется в саму режиссершу. Однако сценарий (Дейми Кертиса, брата Ричарда Кертиса небезызвесстного) Гранту не понравился, и он стал настаивать на переделках. С ним не нашли компромисса, и он ушел из проекта. Ищут теперь ему замену. Но вот что за фраза насчет того, что стоит им послать Колину Ферту коробку котят - и он не откажется - не представляю. Дескать, он их обожает - !??? Шутка?

Romi: гор пишет: Но вот что за фраза Во-о-от! Я уж искала по словарям, да не нашла. Даже по твоей ссылке click here что-то смутное (у меня сейчас в работе книга про квантовое мышление ) Может, намек на то, что нашему присылают сценарии после отказа голливудских звездей? Где-то он об этом говорил...

Romi: Интервью. Не слишком свежее и кое-что нам известно, но не всё. click here James Davies interviews Colin Firth Sunday, 13 April 2008 Since his film debut in 1984 in Another Country, Colin Firth has starred in a range of high profile films and his credits include Apartment Zero, The English Patient, Fever Pitch, and Bridget JonesЎЇ Diary. However it is for his television performance as Mr Darcy in the BBC adaptation of Pride & Prejudice, that he is best remembered. In his latest romantic comedy, The Accidental Husband, he plays Richard, the English fiancЁ¦ of popular radio agony Aunt Emily Lloyd (Uma Thurman). But their marital plans are put on hold when it appears she has unwittingly married a New York fireman (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) who has a particular reason for scuppering her wedding plans. Thurman co-produces and Griffin Dunne directs. Interview Transcript: 1. YouЎЇve starred in romantic comedies on both sides of the Atlantic, is there much of a difference between doing them here or in America? Not really. ThereЎЇs a lot of stereotyping of American humour and English humour, but I think they overlap far more than people give them credit for. I think Americans do have irony, I think Americans can be very, very dry. I think the English can be very broad and very brash and very silly and very aggressive in their comedy. I really donЎЇt know where to break that down. I think the stereotypes are often a complete nonsense. 2. How do you feel about playing the quintessential Englishman once more, as you do here? IЎЇve decided the quintessential Englishman doesnЎЇt exist. I play him but you donЎЇt run into him very often. I think heЎЇs a figment of our folklore, or film lore, but I do realise that there are some versions of that figure that tend to appear in my work. But if you actually look for examples of people who are really like that theyЎЇre usually rather overplayed arch versions of themselves. 3. ItЎЇs how non-English audiences often view classical English men though isnЎЇt it? It was very interesting, I was being questioned by a group of Greek journalists while I was shooting Mama Mia and they were insisting on the stereotypical Englishman. They felt no Englishman had ever grown his hair long, played the electric guitar, pierced his ear, it had never happened. There was no Johnny Rotten, no John Lennon. None of those things had happened, it was only Prince Philip, who ЁC I pointed out ЁC happens to be Greek! So I do think thereЎЇs an answer to all that. He may have existed once. Now he exists in the hands of actors but not so much in reality. 4. HeЎЇs a very nice guy here, was there ever a temptation to make him a bit more confrontational when he found himself caught in this love triangle? The way it was presented to me was that it would never be that simple. Rom-com or not, and however many archetypes are brought in, the fact is that she had people to choose between with completely different qualities. I think if one person had been quite simply horrendous then it would make it very simple who to root for, quite aside from who you prefer or are attracted to. I think that Griffin and everybody making this film wanted to avoid that as much as possible. 5. A hacker profoundly affects the lives of the characters in the film. If you could fulfil any wish on the internet what would it be? Since I was conscious, probably, IЎЇve had fantasies about what I would do if I could wave a magic wand, but itЎЇs never involved the internet. If I thought Ў®what could I do?ЎЇ itЎЇs never been Ў®what could I do with the internet?ЎЇ. So if youЎЇre giving me the magic superpower it wouldnЎЇt involve a computer, itЎЇs much more absolute and psychotic really. 6. Thirteen years on since Pride & Prejudice, itЎЇs said that your female following goes from the young women to those much older. How does it feel to lusted after by someone of pensionable age? I actually find IЎЇm increasingly lusted after by people beyond pensionable age. Even when I was really quite young I was told a story of a woman in hospital being diagnosed with high blood pressure. She was 103, and was told not to watch any more Pride & Prejudice, so IЎЇm used to reaching across the generation gap. 7. In the film Richard eats in times of stress, how tough is it actually comfort eating on cue? I donЎЇt have trouble with eating large quantities, itЎЇs not the biggest stretch for me. ItЎЇs very interesting though, IЎЇve never had to do that here but in New York you get Ў®do you want low sodium? Do you want wheat, no wheat?ЎЇ They ask you about all your allergies. There were things IЎЇd never heard of that I could forego, so it was probably the healthiest two or three days of stuffing my face that IЎЇve ever experienced. 8. There is a tremendous supporting cast on show here, from Isabella Rossellini to Sam Shepard and 2001 star Keir Dullea. How was it working with them? I couldnЎЇt believe what IЎЇd walked into. I think I had 13 days on this film and to walk into this cast, I couldnЎЇt move without bumping into a legend. Isabella, Sam, it was dazzling. It was kind of wonderful in a way, that we had this thing that was there to delight and entertain, something that was light fare with these incredibly weighty people carrying this legendary baggage and status. It was wonderful, and Keir was very forthcoming with anecdotes, all the stories that youЎЇd want to hear really. 9. A cast like that presumably comes from having a producer such as Uma? It does help, if itЎЇs Uma and Griffin your ears perk up right away because of the stuff theyЎЇve done. I was very largely there because of Uma.

olja: Вот, что нашла. Box of Kittens Used in emergency cases of extreme sadness, at which point you grab the box of kittens, and dump it all over said consumer He's going into happiness failure! Get me a Box of Kittens, stat! Используется в случая экстремально-печальных ситуаций. Хватайте коробку с котятами и вывалите их всех наружу. Вот такой еще существует вопрос вопросов: Where can I find a box of kittens to make me super happy?

Carrie: olja Спасибо, забавно! Не доводилось раньше слышать такого выражения, теперь будем знать.

гор: olja пишет: Хватайте коробку с котятами и вывалите их Так-с. Иллюстрацию к ситуации нашла. Легко вообразить, что кисок держит Колин: Romi пишет: which pretty much means director Susanne Bier just sent Colin Firth a box of kittens (he loves them). Но как-то не очень поняла смысл шутки по отношению к Колину. То есть, это предложение - заменить Гранта - настолько испортило бы ему настроение, что ситуацию спасла бы только такая охапка котят? Но никогда не думала, что он любит кошек. Скорее, это издевка - что еще и куча котят в придачу совсем бы послала его в нокаут.

Romi: гор пишет: Скорее, это издевка Вот и я считаю, что речь о ролях, за которые голливуццы не беруцца.

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